Configuration items
Complete configuration
Configuration | Version | Required | Type | Default | Description |
outPath | ✔ | String | Specify the output path of the document | ||
serverUrl | ❌ | String | | Server address, when exporting postman it is recommended to set it to http:// for convenience and directly in postman Set environment variables. It is recommended to use serverEnv when exporting postman after 2.4.8 to avoid modifying the configuration during multiple exports. | |
serverEnv | 2.4.8 | ❌ | String | Server address, when exporting postman it is recommended to set it to http:// to facilitate setting environment variables directly in postman . The configuration is changed to support postman export without globally modifying serverUrl | |
pathPrefix | 2.2.3 | ❌ | String | Set the path prefix, such as configuring Servlet ContextPath . | |
isStrict | ❌ | Boolean | Whether to enable strict mode. Strict mode will force code comments to be checked. When setting this item in 2.6.3 or later plug-in versions, if annotation errors are detected, the plug-in will be directly interrupted. White nested build cycles. For team use, it is recommended to set it to true to increase the annotation requirements for developers and improve the completeness of the documentation. | ||
allInOne | ❌ | Boolean | false | Whether to merge documents into one file, true is generally recommended. | |
coverOld | ❌ | Boolean | false | Whether to overwrite old files, mainly used for Markdown file coverage. | |
createDebugPage | 2.0.1 | ❌ | Boolean | false | smart-doc supports creating an HTML document page with a debuggable interface similar to Swagger , only in AllInOne function in the mode. Starting from @2.0.1, for HTML documents, debug pages can be generated in both allInOne and non-allInOne modes. |
packageFilters | ❌ | String | Controller package filtering, multiple packages separated by English commas. 2.2.2 starts to use regular rules: com.test.controller.* 2.7.1 starts to support method level regular rules: com.test.controller.TestController.* | ||
packageExcludeFilters | ❌ | String | Exclude subpackages for packageFilters , multiple packages are separated by English commasSince 2.2.2 , regular rules must be used: com.test.controller. res.* | ||
md5EncryptedHtmlName | ❌ | Boolean | false | Used only if each Controller generates an HTML file. | |
style | ❌ | String | Code Highlight settings based on highlight.js . | ||
projectName | ❌ | String | Used only if each Controller generates an HTML file. If projectName is not set in smart-doc.json or in the plugin, starting from 2.3.4 , the plugin automatically uses the projectName in pom as the default filling, so it does not need to be configured when using the plugin. | ||
skipTransientField | 1.7.8 | ❌ | Boolean | true | Deprecated since 3.0.8. Use serializeRequestTransients andserializeResponseTransients instead. This configuration was used to skip the serialization of transient fields in request and response bodies. |
serializeRequestTransients | 3.0.8 | ❌ | Boolean | false | Determines whether transient fields in request objects should be serialized. When set to true , transient fields will be included in the request serialization. |
serializeResponseTransients | 3.0.8 | ❌ | Boolean | false | Determines whether transient fields in response objects should be serialized. When set totrue , transient fields will be included in the response serialization. |
sortByTitle | 1.8.7 | ❌ | Boolean | false | Interface sorting by title. |
showAuthor | ❌ | Boolean | true | Whether to display the interface author name. | |
requestFieldToUnderline | 1.8.7 | ❌ | Boolean | false | Automatically convert camel case input fields to underline format in the document. |
responseFieldToUnderline | 1.8.7 | ❌ | Boolean | false | Automatically convert camelCase response fields to underline format in the document. |
inlineEnum | 1.8.8 | ❌ | Boolean | false | Whether to display the enumeration details in the parameter table. |
recursionLimit | 1.8.8 | ❌ | int | 7 | Set the number of recursive executions allowed to avoid some object parsing problems. |
allInOneDocFileName | 1.9.0 | ❌ | String | index.html | It only takes effect when all Controller of the project are configured to generate an HTML file. |
requestExample | 1.9.0 | ❌ | Boolean | true | Whether to display request examples in the documentation. |
responseExample | 1.9.0 | ❌ | Boolean | true | Whether to display response examples in the documentation. |
urlSuffix | 2.1.0 | ❌ | String | Support url suffix of SpringMVC old project. | |
language | ❌ | String | CHINESE | Internationalization support for mock values. | |
displayActualType | 1.9.6 | ❌ | Boolean | false | Whether to automatically display the short class name of the generic real type in the comment column. |
appKey | 2.0.9 | ❌ | String | torna platform connects to appKey . | |
appToken | 2.0.9 | ❌ | String | torna platform appToken . | |
secret | 2.0.9 | ❌ | String | torna platform secret . | |
openUrl | 2.0.9 | ❌ | String | torna platform address, fill in your own private deployment address. | |
debugEnvName | ❌ | String | torna environment name. | ||
replace | 2.2.4 | ❌ | Boolean | true | Replace old documents when pushing torna . Changes will still be pushed to the past and covered. This function is mainly to ensure that the code is deleted and not deleted on torna . |
debugEnvUrl | 2.0.9 | ❌ | String | Push torna configuration interface service address. | |
tornaDebug | 2.0.9 | ❌ | Boolean | true | Whether to print torna push log. |
ignoreRequestParams | 1.9.2 | ❌ | List<String> | Ignore request parameter objects and block parameter objects that do not want to generate documents. | |
dataDictionaries | ❌ | List<Object> | Configure data dictionary Since 2.4.6 , you can configure the interface implemented by the enumeration. When configuring the interface, the title will be used Description of the class that implements the enumeration. If there are already implemented enumerations that need to be ignored, you can add @ignore to the class that implements the enumeration to ignore them. | ||
errorCodeDictionaries | ❌ | List<Object> | Error code list Since 2.4.6 , the interface implemented by the enumeration can be configured. When configuring the interface, the title will be used Description of the class that implements the enumeration. If there are already implemented enumerations that need to be ignored, you can add @ignore to the class that implements the enumeration to ignore them. | ||
revisionLogs | ❌ | List<Object> | Document change record. | ||
customResponseFields | ❌ | List<Object> | Customize added fields and comments, general users deal with third-party jar package libraries. | ||
customRequestFields | ❌ | List<Object> | Comments for the custom request body. | ||
requestHeaders | 2.1.3 | ❌ | List<Object> | Set public request headers. | |
requestParams | 2.2.3 | ❌ | List<Object> | Public request parameters (scenarios handled by interceptors). | |
rpcApiDependencies | ❌ | List<Object> | The project's open Dubbo API interface module depends on it. After configuration, it is output to the document to facilitate user integration. | ||
rpcConsumerConfig | ❌ | String | The Dubbo Consumer integration configuration is added to the document to facilitate quick integration by the integrator. | ||
apiObjectReplacements | 1.8.5 | ❌ | List<Object> | Use custom classes to override other classes for document rendering. | |
apiConstants | 1.8.9 | ❌ | List<Object> | Configure your own constant class, smart-doc resolves to constants automatically replaced with a specific value. Starting from 2.4.2 version, there is no need to configure constants when using them. smart-doc can already be automatically parsed. | |
responseBodyAdvice | 1.8.9 | ❌ | List<Object> | ResponseBodyAdvice is a hook reserved in the Spring framework, which acts after the execution of the Controller method is completed After that, before the http response body is written back to the client, it can easily weave in some of its own business logic processing, so smart-doc also provides unified return settings for ResponseBodyAdvice (do not configure it casually according to the project technology to configure) support, which can be ignored using the ignoreResponseBodyAdvice tag. | |
requestBodyAdvice | 2.1.4 | ❌ | List<Object> | Set the RequestBodyAdvice unified request wrapper class. | |
groups | 2.2.5 | ❌ | List<Object> | Group different Controllers . | |
requestParamsTable | 2.2.5 | ❌ | String | Whether to display the request parameter table in the document. | |
responseParamsTable | 2.2.5 | ❌ | Boolean | Whether to display the response parameter table in the document. | |
framework | 2.2.5 | ❌ | String | spring or dubbo | Spring and Apache Dubbo are frameworks that support parsing and generating documents by smart-doc by default and are not configured framework automatically selects Spring or Dubbo according to the triggered document construction scenario. smart-doc currently also supports the JAX-RS standard, so use a framework that supports the JAX-RS standard (such as: Quarkus ) can be used as an experience, but it is not complete yet. Optional values: spring , dubbo , JAX-RS , solon |
randomMock | 2.6.9 | ❌ | Boolean | false | randomMock is used to control whether smart-doc generates random mock values, in versions before 2.6.9 smart-doc will automatically assign parameters and automatically generate random values. The generated values are different each time. Now you can set it to false to control the generation of random values. |
componentType | 2.7.8 | ❌ | String | RANDOM | openapi component key generator RANDOM : supports @Validated group verificationNORMAL : Does not support @Validated , used for openapi generated code |
apiUploadNums | 3.0.2 | ❌ | Integer | When uploading Torna , batch uploading of documents is supported, and the size of document batches can be set. | |
showValidation | 3.0.3 | ❌ | Boolean | true | showValidation is used to control whether smart-doc extracts the JSR validation information of fields for display in the documentation. |
jmeter | 3.0.4 | ❌ | Object | Custom Configurations for JMeter Performance Test Script Generation | |
addDefaultHttpStatuses | 3.0.5 | ❌ | Boolean | false | When generating documentation, consider whether to include the default HTTP status codes from frameworks such as Spring MVC's default 500 and 404 errors. Currently, only the generation of OpenAPI documentation supports this feature. |
enumConvertor | 3.1.0 | ❌ | Boolean | false | In the header/path/query request mode, whether to enable the enumeration converter, The default value is false. If true, the enumeration value is parsed as an enumeration example value. If false, take the enumeration name as the enumeration example value |
"serverUrl": "",
"serverEnv": "http://{{server}}",
"pathPrefix": "",
"isStrict": false,
"allInOne": true,
"outPath": "D://md2",
"randomMock": false,
"coverOld": true,
"createDebugPage": true,
"packageFilters": "",
"packageExcludeFilters": "",
"md5EncryptedHtmlName": false,
"style": "xt256",
"projectName": "smart-doc",
"framework": "spring",
"skipTransientField": true,
"serializeRequestTransients": false,
"serializeResponseTransients": false,
"sortByTitle": false,
"showAuthor": true,
"requestFieldToUnderline": true,
"responseFieldToUnderline": true,
"inlineEnum": true,
"recursionLimit": 7,
"allInOneDocFileName": "index.html",
"requestExample": "true",
"responseExample": "true",
"requestParamsTable": true,
"responseParamsTable": true,
"urlSuffix": ".do",
"displayActualType": false,
"appToken": "c16931fa6590483fb7a4e85340fcbfef",
"isReplace": true,
"openUrl": "http://localhost:7700/api",
"debugEnvName": "Test ENV",
"debugEnvUrl": "",
"tornaDebug": false,
"author": "smart-doc",
"increment": false,
"ignoreRequestParams": [
"dataDictionaries": [
"title": "http status",
"enumClassName": "com.power.common.enums.HttpCodeEnum",
"codeField": "code",
"descField": "message"
"enumClassName": "com.xx.IEnum",
"codeField": "code",
"descField": "message"
"errorCodeDictionaries": [
"title": "title",
"enumClassName": "com.power.common.enums.HttpCodeEnum",
"codeField": "code",
"descField": "message",
"valuesResolverClass": ""
"enumClassName": "com.xx.IEnum",
"codeField": "code",
"descField": "message"
"revisionLogs": [
"version": "1.0",
"revisionTime": "2020-12-31 10:30",
"status": "update",
"author": "author",
"remarks": "desc"
"customResponseFields": [
"name": "code",
"desc": "response code",
"ownerClassName": "",
"ignore": true,
"value": "00000"
"customRequestFields": [
"name": "code",
"desc": "status code",
"ownerClassName": "",
"value": "200",
"required": true,
"ignore": false
"requestHeaders": [
"name": "token",
"type": "string",
"desc": "desc",
"value": "token value",
"required": false,
"since": "-",
"pathPatterns": "/app/test/**",
"excludePathPatterns": "/app/page/**"
"name": "appkey",
"type": "string",
"desc": "desc",
"value": "appkey value",
"required": false,
"pathPatterns": "/test/add,/testConstants/1.0",
"since": "-"
"requestParams": [
"name": "configPathParam",
"type": "string",
"desc": "desc",
"paramIn": "path",
"value": "testPath",
"required": false,
"since": "-",
"pathPatterns": "/**",
"excludePathPatterns": "/app/page/**"
"name": "configQueryParam",
"type": "string",
"desc": "desc",
"paramIn": "query",
"value": "testQuery",
"required": false,
"since": "-",
"pathPatterns": "/**",
"excludePathPatterns": "/app/page/**"
"rpcApiDependencies": [
"artifactId": "SpringBoot2-Dubbo-Api",
"groupId": "com.demo",
"version": "1.0.0"
"rpcConsumerConfig": "src/main/resources/consumer-example.conf",
"apiObjectReplacements": [
"className": "",
"replacementClassName": "com.power.doc.model.PageRequestDto"
"apiConstants": [
"constantsClassName": "com.power.doc.constants.RequestParamConstant"
"responseBodyAdvice": {
"className": "com.power.common.model.CommonResult"
"requestBodyAdvice": {
"className": "com.power.common.model.CommonResult"
"groups": [
"name": "test group",
"apis": "*"
"requestParamsTable": true,
"responseParamsTable": true,
"componentType": "RANDOM",
"jmeter": {
"addPrometheusListener": true
"addDefaultHttpStatuses": true,
"enumConvertor": false
packet filtering, multiple packets are separated by commas.
PS: Starting from 2.2.2, you need to use regular rules: com.test.controller., and starting from 2.7.1, you need to use method-level regular rules: com.test.controller.TestController.
"packageFilters": "com.test.controller.*", // Output all interfaces under the controller package
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.PetController", // Only output the interface of PetController
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.*Controller", // Output all interfaces under the controller package with the Controller suffix as the class name
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.Pet.*", // Output all interfaces under the controller package that have class names starting with Pet
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.Pet.*Controller", // Output all interfaces under the controller package that match the Pet*Controller class name
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.PetController.getPetInfo", // Output the getPetInfo method interface in PetController
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.PetController.*", // Output all interfaces in PetController
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.PetController.get.*", // Only output all interfaces in the PetController class that start with get as the method name
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.PetController.*Info", //Only output all interfaces in the PetController class whose method names end with Info
"packageFilters": "com.example.controller.PetController.get.*Info", //Only output all interfaces in the PetController class that match get.*Info as the method name
Configure the data dictionary. Starting from 2.4.6
, you can configure the interface implemented by the enumeration. When configuring the interface, title
will use the class description that implements the enumeration. If there are already implemented enumerations that need to be ignored, you can implement the enumeration. Add @ignore
to the class to ignore it.
Configuration | Type | Description |
title | String | |
enumClassName | String | Error code enumeration class |
codeField | String | The name of the code code field of the error code. By default, smart-doc uses the getCode method name to obtain it through reflection. If there is no get method, you can configure the corresponding method name of the field, for example: code() . |
descField | String | The field name corresponding to the error code description information. Like codeField , it can be configured as a method name, for example: message() |
"dataDictionaries": [
"title": "title",
"enumClassName": "com.power.common.enums.HttpCodeEnum",
"codeField": "code",
"descField": "message"
Error code list, starting from 2.4.6
, you can configure the interface implemented by the enumeration. When configuring the interface, title
will use the class description that implements the enumeration. If there are already implemented enumerations that need to be ignored, you can implement the enumeration. Add @ignore
to the class to ignore it.
Configuration | Type | Description |
title | String | |
enumClassName | String | Error code enumeration class |
codeField | String | The name of the code code field of the error code. By default, smart-doc uses the getCode method name to obtain it through reflection. If there is no get method, you can configure the corresponding method name of the field, for example: code() . |
descField | String | The field name corresponding to the error code description information. Like codeField , it can be configured as a method name, for example: message() |
"errorCodeDictionaries": [
"title": "title",
"enumClassName": "com.power.common.enums.HttpCodeEnum",
"codeField": "code",
"descField": "message"
Documentation change history.
Configuration | Type | Description |
version | String | Document version number |
revisionTime | String | Document revision time |
status | String | Change operation status, usually: create, update, etc. |
author | String | Document change author |
remarks | String | Change description |
"revisionLogs": [
"version": "1.0",
"revisionTime": "2020-12-31 10:30",
"status": "update",
"author": "author",
"remarks": "desc"
Customize added fields and comments, and general users deal with third-party jar
package libraries.
Configuration | Type | Description |
name | String | Override response code field |
desc | String | Field comments that override the response code |
ownerClassName | String | Specify the class name you want to annotate |
ignore | Boolean | Setting true will be automatically ignored and will not appear in the document |
value | String | Set the value of the response code |
"customResponseFields": [
"name": "code",
"desc": "response code",
"ownerClassName": "",
"ignore": true,
"value": "00000"
Customize added fields and comments, and general users deal with third-party jar
package libraries.
Configuration | Type | Description |
name | String | Property name |
desc | String | Description |
ownerClassName | String | The full path of the class corresponding to the attribute |
ignore | Boolean | Whether to ignore |
required | Boolean | Is it required |
value | String | Default value or mock value |
"customRequestFields": [
"name": "code",
"desc": "code",
"ownerClassName": "",
"value": "200",
"required": true,
"ignore": false
The open Dubbo API
interface module of the project depends on it. After configuration, it is output to the document to facilitate user integration.
Configuration | Type | Description |
artifactId | String | artifactId |
groupId | String | groupId |
version | String | Version number |
"rpcApiDependencies": [
"artifactId": "SpringBoot2-Dubbo-Api",
"groupId": "com.demo",
"version": "1.0.0"
Use custom classes to override other classes for document rendering.
Configuration | Type | Description |
className | String | The full class name that needs to be replaced |
replacementClassName | String | The fully qualified class name to be replaced |
"apiObjectReplacements": [
"className": "",
"replacementClassName": "com.power.doc.model.PageRequestDto" //自定义的PageRequestDto替换Pageable做文档渲染
is a hook reserved in the Spring
framework. It acts after the Controller
method is executed and before the http
response body is written back to the client. It can conveniently weave in some of its own business logic processing. Therefore, smart-doc
also provides support for unified return settings of ResponseBodyAdvice
(do not configure it casually according to the technology of the project), which can be ignored by ignoreResponseBodyAdvice
Configuration | Type | Description |
className | String | Universal response body |
"responseBodyAdvice": {
"className": "com.power.common.model.CommonResult"
Set the RequestBodyAdvice
unified request wrapper class.
Configuration | Type | Description |
className | String | Universal request body |
"requestBodyAdvice": {
"className": "com.power.common.model.CommonResult"
Group different Controllers
PS: Grouping does not take effect on postman.json and openApi.json
Configuration | Type | Description |
name | String | Group name |
apis | String | Group url, supports regular expressions,with multiple expressions separated by commas |
"groups": [
"name": "Test Group",
"apis": "com.example.controller.*",
"apis": "com.example.controller.PetController", // Contains only the interface of PetController
"apis": "com.example.controller.Controller", // Contains all interfaces under the controller package with a class name suffixed by Controller
"apis": "com.example.controller.Pet.", // Contains all interfaces under the controller package with a class name starting with Pet
"apis": "com.example.controller.Pet.Controller" // Contains all interfaces under the controller package that match the class name PetController
If the apis
configuration does not take effect in templates that support grouping, there might be an issue with the regular expression configuration. You can validate this using the DocUtil
tool in smart-doc
Here is an example of how to verify:
public void testIsMatch() {
String pattern = "*.controller";
String controllerName = "";
System.out.println(DocUtil.isMatch(pattern, controllerName));
Starting from version 3.0.4
, the following custom configuration options have been added when generating JMeter
performance test scripts:
Configuration | Type | Description |
addPrometheusListener | Boolean | Whether to add a Prometheus listener when generating the script |
"jmeter": {
"addPrometheusListener": true