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Dubbo ^1.8.7


smart-doc supports the generation of Dubbo API documents starting from version 1.8.7. The following describes how to use the smart-doc tool to generate RPC internal interface documentation of Dubbo.

Dubbo document integration

smart-doc has developed the maven plug-in and gradle based on the principle of simplicity of use. The plug-in can reduce the integration difficulty of smart-doc and remove the intrusiveness of dependencies. You can choose relevant plug-ins according to the dependency build management tool you use. The following is an example of using the smart-doc-maven-plugin plug-in to integrate smart-doc to generate dubbo. Of course, you have two options for integrating smart-doc to generate Dubbo RPC interface documentation:

  • Use smart-doc to scan dubbo api module
  • Use smart-doc to scan dubbo provider module

Let’s take a look at the integration methods.

Add plugin

Add smart-doc-maven-plugin to your dubbo api or dubbo provider module. Of course you only need to select one method

     <version>[latest version]</version>
         <!--Specify the configuration file used to generate documents, and place the configuration file in your own project-->
         <!--Specify project name-->
             <!--If you do not need to start smart-doc when compiling, comment out phase-->

Add the configuration files required by smart-doc

Add the smart-doc.json configuration file in your Dubbo API or dubbo provider module resources

   "isStrict": false, //Whether to enable strict mode
   "allInOne": true, //Whether to merge documents into one file, true is generally recommended
   "outPath": "D://md2", //Specify the output path of the document
   "projectName": "smart-doc",//Configure your own project name
   "rpcApiDependencies":[{ // The project's open dubbo api interface module depends on it. After configuration, it is output to the document to facilitate user integration.
   "rpcConsumerConfig":"src/main/resources/consumer-example.conf"//Add dubbo consumer integration configuration in the document to facilitate the integration party to quickly integrate

Regarding smart-doc, if you need more detailed configuration when generating documents, please refer to other official documents.


If you want dubbo consumer integration to be faster, you can add the integration configuration example consumer-example.conf, smart-doc will output the example directly into the documentation.

     protocol: zookeeper
     address: ${zookeeper.adrress}
     base-packages: com.iflytek.demo.dubbo
     name: dubbo-consumer

Dubbo interface scan

As mentioned above, smart-doc supports scanning dubbo api or dubbo provider separately. exist The scanning principle is mainly by identifying smart-doc official custom @dubbo annotation tag or Dubbo official @service annotation.

Scan Dubbo api

dubbo api is usually a very concise Dubbo interface definition. If you need smart-doc to scan the Dubbo interface, you need to add @dubbo annotation tag. Examples are as follows:

  * User operation
  * @author yu 2019/4/22.
  * @author zhangsan 2019/4/22.
  * @version 1.0.0
  * @dubbo
public interface UserService {

      * Query all users
      * @return
     List<User> listOfUser();

      * Query based on user id
      * @param userId
      * @return
     User getById(String userId);

For some special users, you may need to specify the version of the For some special users, you may need to specify the version of the Dubboservice interface@version, the service name @service, and the protocol type of the interface @protocol. In smart-doc`, it can also be conveniently specified.


 * Dubbo Interface
 * @author yusun
 * @dubbo
 * @service test
 * @protocol dubbo
 * @version 2.0.0
public interface DubboInterface {

   * Say Hello
   * @param word
   * @return
  String sayHello(String word);
  • @version specifies the version of the Dubbo service interface
  • @service specifies the name of the Dubbo service
  • @protocol specifies the protocol type of the Dubbo service

Scan Dubbo provider

If you want to generate RPC interface documentation through dubbo provider, you do not need to add any other annotations tag, smart-doc will automatically scan the @service annotation.

  * @author yu 2019/4/22.
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {

     private static Map<String,User> userMap = new HashMap<>();

     static {
         userMap.put("1",new User()
                 .setAddress("Chengdu, Sichuan")
      * Get user
      * @param userId
      * @return
     public User getById(String userId) {
         return userMap.get(userId);

      * Get user
      * @return
     public List<User> listOfUser() {
         return userMap.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

Generate operations

Run the plug-in's document generation command directly through the mvncommand or directly click the plug-in's visual command in IDEA.


Run rpc-html etc. to generate Dubbo RPC document

Released under the MIT License.